Blessings and pain at the same time.

Blessings and Pain, Can They Coexist? 🦋

The other day I was driving and the sun was shinning, it was far from cloudy- yet it was raining. It was honestly beautiful and I instantly starting looking for a rainbow. I am not sure about you, but I am often trying to find God in even the slightest things. So I started thinking how we often relate “rain” with the storms of life and how weird it is that both the rain and the sun could be out at the same time and produce something so beautiful together. Friends, isn’t that how life works as well? We can see blessings and ease in one area of our life and simultaneously experience pain and struggle in the other. Why is that? blessings and pain

From pain to purpose

Since we are talking about rainbows, I decided to look into how they are formed and what the process looks like. Don’t worry, I will save you the long science lecture [that was not my favorite subject either😜]. The short version is when sunlight hits a rain droplet, some of the light is reflected, creating the rainbow. Read that again,

When sunlight hits a rain droplet, some of the light is reflected, creating the rainbow.”

I want to look at the rain droplet as the hard area in our life, perhaps a broken part of us. Then look at the sunlight as Jesus coming in and restoring us, allowing his light to reflect through us. There can be purpose that stems through our pain, and I know that can be hard to hear depending on what you are going through. Friends, I want to say that God does not cause our pain or the evil we see in the world, BUT He can meet us right where we are and take that pain and turn it into something good for his glory. I’ve seen it in my own life, as well as those around me.

Each one, teach One

In areas of my life where I’ve experienced pain and hardship, I have found comfort in this verse,

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Psalms 34: 18

In my pain I know that I am not alone. He is there with me and friends, He is there with you too. I’ve made the choice time and time again to look at the hard areas of life and pain I’ve experienced as an opportunity to encourage and support someone else through the work God has done in me.

I like what Denzel Washington says, “With each lesson you learn teach that to someone else.” Our pain is not for nothing. I believe that someone seeing you get on the other side of what you went through is the hope they need to keep going. Hope to see that it is possible for them to do the same.

I believe it sparks curiosity. It may not make sense to them how you got through something so hard and still have peace and joy. It’s a perfect opportunity for ministry. Let them know who helped you through that (Jesus).

Is Your prayer life hot or cold?

Have any of you ever watched the movie, War Room? The sweet older lady, Miss Clara, is one of my favorites. There is conversation between her and Elizabeth where Miss Clara asks Elizabeth how her prayer life is. I encourage you to watch the clip of their conversation below, or click HERE.

War Room Movie

Miss Clara was not afraid to ask Elizabeth the hard/ personal question of, “Would you say your prayer life is hot or cold?” Which Elizabeth responds with, “Somewhere in the middle.” Now, later on Elizabeth begins experiencing some difficulties in her marriage leading her to develop one “hot” prayer life.

Friends, would you say your prayer life is hot or cold? Sometimes we only experience a “hot” prayer life when we are experiencing hardship. Our pain can drive us to grow in prayer.

Our pain can drive us to grow in prayer.”

Emilee Rachelle

Blessings and Pain

Circling back to blessings and pain occurring at the same time, I was listening to a podcast of Sadie Robertson Huff. Her friend, Freddie, was speaking on her anxiety and how struggling with anxiety actually required her to depend on God in a way that people without anxiety do not. I thought that was beautiful and I can definitely relate to that. She was able to see the blessing in something she struggled with. Although anxiety is a struggle that can cause pain, her closeness and the development of her relationship with Jesus is her blessing.

Blessings and pain can coexist and a lot of times in pain we learn to lean on God. In leaning on God, the fruits of the spirit start to come into our lives like love, peace, and joy…even in our suffering.

It’s Not over for you

Friends, I want to encourage you. Your story does not end with the pain and hardships you have or are experiencing. Let Jesus in and allow him to take what the enemy meant to destroy you and turn it into good. Friend, it’s not over for you. 🦋

With love, Em

Blessings and pain at the same time.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

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