Slow Down and Look Up
A couple of weeks ago I went to take my daily walk when I realized I had forgotten my headphones. I was contemplating going back home to grab them, but decided a walk without music could not be that bad. As I journeyed (music-less), I was at peace. There was something in the way each strand of grass was brushing up against the other from the wind. That nostalgic feeling when you hear birds chirping. There was something about dead headphones allowing me to slow down, look up, and wonder how I had settled for devices that took the gift of nature away. What would happen if we all slowed down long enough to look up and notice the things and people around us?
Removing Distractions
I used to look forward to taking my walks because I could listen to music while doing it. After experiencing such peace and serenity without headphones, I have made it a daily practice to go without them. I now use this time to chat with God, admire his creation, and speak to others that pass or walk along side me. What are some areas of your life that you could remove certain distractions, allowing you to slow down and be present with those around you?
HE Modeled slow
You know who was good a noticing the people around him? Jesus. Jesus did not give the impression that he was in a hurry. He seemed to live a slow-paced life. Even in Matthew, it says he was walking when he found Simon and Andrew. It did not say he was in a rush to find people to join his ministry.
“As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew.”
Matthew 4:18
This shows the importance of going through life at a slower pace. Our culture is all about hustling and hurrying. We seem to add more to our schedules than we can sometimes handle, which leads us to worrying. Being in a hurry all of the time aids as a distraction from the people around us.
Welcoming Interruptions
I mentioned in Resting in Hustle Culture, that Jesus was often interrupted while he was traveling. Even when he was interrupted he was fully present with those individuals, allowing them to feel seen and heard. Sometimes when we run into people we know, we say something along the lines of, “Hey! I’m sorry I’m in a hurry” and we rush past them. I know I would like to practice welcoming interruptions throughout my day, would you?
Implementing slowness into our lives
I believe prayer is good place to start to implement slowness into our everyday lives. Ask God to reveal to you where you are being distracted and for him to help remove it. I also think being intentional would help. You do not have to completely change the way you live your life all at once, but find an area where you can start to make the change. Like I said earlier, I no longer listen to music while I am on my walks. A way to maintain this is to leave my headphone at home. Maybe you start there! If you are feeling overwhelmed with how much you have going on, turn to Jesus for strength.