DO you hate waiting?

Do You Hate Waiting?

Do you hate waiting? I may have wanted to slide down my seat when this question was asked at church. I’d like to think I’ve acquired patience, and in some areas I have, but when I really reflect- there’s always room for growth. Besides, when you ask God (multiple times in one year), if you can “graduate the class of patience already”…well, that speaks for itself.

Smiling outside.

What do you mean God doesn’t just give you patience?

I’ve told this story numerous times, but my youngest brother informed me a few years ago that I needed to learn patience. I knew God had used him to speak to me before- So what did I do? I took it to God, and said something along the lines of,

Lord, my brother keeps saying I need to learn patience and it’s a fruit of the spirit so can you help me learn it?”

I genuinely figured one day, when God thought it was the right time (I was wanting to be patient, so I wasn’t going to rush him 😅), I would wake up a completely patient person… Who was going to tell me that’s not how it works?

About a month after that prayer, situations happened that really tested and developed patience within me. I don’t say this to discourage you. Patience is a wonderful gift, so much so that it is a fruit of the spirit. Even if you have to go through some trying situations to acquire this gift, God never leaves you. Instead he walks you through the process. A process where he already went ahead of you to make the way.

“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”

Galatians 5:22

It’s a lifelong pursuit

I was joking with one of my mentors (not really joking, because I really did this), on how I had asked God if I had passed all the patience tests and could graduate the class. She grabbed my hand laughing and said,

Honey, patience is a lifelong pursuit!”

DO you trust him regardless of the outcome?

If we know waiting is something we will have to do our whole lives, why do we struggle with it? That’s a question I’ve thought before and what my pastor said really resonated with me,

Waiting is difficult because we do not know if our waiting means not yet, or not ever.”

Eddie Lowen

How true is that? There are a few things I’ve been believing God for and the waiting has produced those questions in my mind. I’ve thought, “Am I still in the waiting because it’s just not the right time, or because it’s actually not something God has in store for me?”

Regardless of the outcome, I know I will be okay and God knows best, but patience requires faith and trust. Do we trust God’s character, allowing us to have faith in him and sit in the waiting, even if it’s uncomfortable? If not, that’s definitely an honest conversation we can have with the lord. We can let him in and tell him the areas we are struggling and could use his strength and perspective.

His ways are higher

Sometimes, we can question why God is even having us wait. We have to remember he sees everything. His scope is larger than ours, and we don’t want something prematurely. It can be easy to associate prolonged periods of waiting with something you may be doing wrong, but that’s not always the case. God could be preparing the other people involved in the plan. Wouldn’t we rather wait until God has finished what he intended, before bringing those people in our lives?

Again, waiting patiently is surrendering our way, and trusting his.

What’s your posture while waiting?

No one is exempt from waiting. Everyone will experience it for something in life, but there are two different postures to have while waiting. Do you remain joyful/ hopeful or full of frustration/ bitterness?

Reflecting has allowed me to see that I have fit into both of these categories before. I typically have a sarcastic tone about patience. I like to make jokes about it (maybe that’s my way of laughing through the pain 😅) But, after listening to my pastor’s sermon- it really opened my eyes.

I desire to be someone who can remain joyful no matter what situation is requiring me to wait. How we wait during trying times can be an opportunity to point glory to God.

“Wait for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait for the Lord.”

Psalm 27:14


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