No Worries in Cozumel
I’ve learned so much from the people in Cozumel. A common phrase down there is, “no worries.”
God worked in so many mysterious ways while I was in Cozumel. I’ve always believed people come into our lives for a specific reason, rather they are just passing through or staying. If you shift your perspective, there is an opportunity to learn from them (people who bring us joy and people who bring us pain). 🕊
To the lady I met in the pool
Thank you for being so friendly, your vulnerability inspires me to share my story with others. In hopes they’ll see a way through what they are facing.
To the elderly man I met in the lounge
We only had a few encounters, but your wisdom will stick with me. My favorite thing you shared was, “our eyes were not meant to only see what is in front of us/ what we are use to. We are meant to see nature’s beauty and explore.” This gave me the perspective that soaking in comfort leaves us stuck and prevents us from greater things in life.
Soaking in comfort leaves u stuck and prevents us from greater things in life.”
There were so many other incredible people I met, but to summarize everything… you only have one shot at life. Please do not stress the little things and make sure you practice “NO WORRIES.” If you have been hurt by someone before do not let that stop you from creating meaningful relationships. Do not be scared of vulnerability– your courage to share what you’ve been through and how you got through it, will be a LIGHT to someone else. Lastly, get out of what is comfortable for you. You can not grow into what you were made to become in an environment that does not serve you purpose anymore.
Read all about my vacation in Cozumel, here

Live your life to fullest, friends.
with love, Emilee