Regardless of the Circumstance
When “Idols” came to mind, I thought to myself, “I don’t put anyone or anything above God.” But the more this word appeared in my scriptures, the more the Holy Spirit said, “Hang on Emilee, slow down and think back to a few weeks ago.” I knew exactly where the Holy Spirit was leading with that. regardless of the circumstance
Have you ever prayed and believed with all your might for something to happen, but unfortunately (or fortunately- we’ll talk more about this perspective shift later) it doesn’t? Well, a few weeks ago that was me.
For months I had believed God was pulling me in a certain direction. A few people had even brought it to my attention (w/ out talking to each other about it), and events were taking place where I genuinely believed it sounded like a God story. So- I held onto it. I put so much hope into the idea of it happening and that’s where the problem occurred. regardless of the circumstance
Answered prayer
Months after journaling and praying about it, I decided to get bold with my prayer. I specifically wrote down,
God, is there anyway you can confirm this was from you. I don’t like thinking about it so much. If this is not from you, make it known. In Jesus name, Amen.”
You can likely assume how this story plays out… He made it known- OH boy did he make it known that it was not from him, at least for now.
God absolutely answered my prayer, and I never had doubt that he would, but the disappointment I felt when he didn’t give the results I was hoping for, was exactly where the Holy Spirit was leading me to reflect.
“Regardless of the Circumstance”
We are going to hop around a little bit here (that’s how my mind works), but don’t worry we will circle back to what the Holy Spirit was prompting.
Paul. What comes to mind when you hear that name? Apostle, bold, encourager? Maybe nothing at all. But for me, “Regardless of the circumstance” is the phrase I correlate with Paul.
Paul was shipwrecked, imprisoned, beaten and stoned for advancing the gospel. Those are just some of the physical sufferings he went through, let’s not forget the mental and emotional distress those would cause, yet he endured. How? Because Paul was a man that believed God is still good regardless of the circumstances life puts us in.
Perspective during hardships
While in a prison in Rome, Paul writes to the Philippians. He knows the opposition they are facing and he uses his life as an example to press on, regardless of the current hardship. He says,
Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.”
Philippians 1:12-14
I admire Paul being able to look far beyond himself and his current circumstance. He sees his suffering as a good thing. The good news is being spread, others are growing in their faith, and people are proclaiming the gospel without fear.
Paul endured a lot, but he was able to depend on Jesus for strength and press on to encourage others. I can’t add the whole book of Philippians in this post, but I encourage you to read it!
The encouragement of Faith
We never know who is watching us or the impact we can leave on people. I don’t say this in the matter of trying to act perfect for people’s approval. I say this because how we handle a hard situation has the potential to increase someone else’s faith.
How we handle a hard situation has the potential to increase someone else’s faith.”
-Emilee rachelle
We’ve been talking about Paul, and I want to continue that for a moment. Paul was worried about the believers in Thessalonica. He feared they would lose faith because of all the hardships they were facing, but Paul is given some encouraging news.
“Therefore, brothers and sisters, in all of your distress and persecution we were encouraged about you because of your faith. For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord.”
1 Thessalonians 3:7-8
Again, how we handle a hard situation has the potential to increase someone else’s faith.
Idolizing Ourselves
Why am I mentioning all of this and what does this have to do with idols? In all transparency, I had a moment where I was questioning the goodness of God all because a situation didn’t turn out how I hoped. So, when I said I didn’t have any idols- the Holy Spirit was bringing to my attention, that there was someone in the mirror I had been idolizing.
When that came to mind, it didn’t even make sense. How could I be idolizing myself? Well, when a prayer isn’t answered how I want, and that causes me to be frustrated with, disappointed in, and questioning the goodness of God- I’m trying to play God. With all of that, I’m implying that I know better, and that’s putting trust in myself and my abilities to perceive/ make things happen, instead of the one who created me.
Our trust in God can’t be contingent on if he gives us what we are asking for. Our trust needs to be solely in him. The one who’s ways are higher than ours. We have to have trust in who he says he is, and he doesn’t lie. So- when he says,
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future, and a hope.”
Jerehmiah 29:11
we can believe him. And the best gift God has given us is Jesus. If that were the last gift God ever gave us, that would be more than enough. That’s the attitude I believe Paul had, making him a “regardless of the circumstance” man.

What’s standing in the way?
I’m grateful for the convictions of the Holy Spirit. It’s not always easy to accept what the Holy Spirit is trying to get us to bring in the light, but that how God’s power is displayed and transformation can happen. We have to expose the darkness and let Jesus bring his light into our situation.
I know I desire my life to resemble a “regardless of the outcome” posture and I hope you do too.
What could be standing in the way of your life reflecting that phrase?
with love,