To the Dreamer [Keep Going]
To the dreamer, keep going– you can achieve anything you put your mind to and if you’re the only one that believes in you, good that’s all you need.
SO- You’ve decided to follow your dreams. This journey will not be easy and you may look around searching to find others on board, to realize the only passenger on this train of belief is yourself. Don’t give up, stay on the train because somewhere along the way God will send people to cheer you on who will see in you what so many others could not. Right now- It’s time for you to believe in yourself and follow the dream that was planted inside of you- rather you have applause or not because you know it’s the right thing to do. keep going
It’s not you they don’t belive in, it’s themselves.
As for the people who did not believe in you and your dream- go easy on them. I want you to take the self-reflecting glasses off for a moment and put on the lens of compassion. Through this perspective of compassion- You will realize them being skeptical of you chasing / achieving your dreams has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.
There’s a child within them that once held a dream only to have someone crush it. Someone who planted a seed of doubt that perhaps became watered and nourished by others. Maybe they neglected to believe in themselves and didn’t pursue their own dreams. Regardless, they are projecting their own limitations onto you. to the dreamer keep going
This may also serve as a lesson for you. Will you abandoned your dream and purpose because others are not validating / affirming you? OR will you be persistent learning to keep going as you realize your the only one who needs to believe in you to see this thing through?
Keep going & Take Action
Keep going- these two words have become like honey to my soul and I hope they become that for you. I pray that these two words would engulf every doubting arrow shot your way.
You’re a risk taker and that makes people uncomfortable. I want you to know that you are rare. Keep dreaming, but take action. You may have heard it before, “Dreams without action are just dreams.” If you haven’t already, I want you to take some time to write down your dreams, but don’t stop there. I want you to write underneath each one ways you can make your dream happen. SO- write it down / make it plain and leave room for God to intervene [He knows best].
You’re not going to know it all
Just start- you are not going to know it all in the beginning and a big mistake people make is “waiting” until they think they are ready. You will never know it all and in the beginning no one should expect you to. There is a process you will go through that will aid you in what you need.
I had to remind myself this in the development stage of this website/ community. I’ve learned there is beauty in learning. When I first got into motivational speeches, I came across one from Steve Harvey, that I actually made myself listen to over and over again until I memorized it on my own. I did this so that at any given moment where I would feel behind or that things were too hard- I could say this to myself, to the dreamer keep going
Everything you’re going through is preparing you for what you asked God for. You just got to quit tripping while you’re in the process because the process is necessary. You may not see it now, but when He gets you on the other side of it, you’re going to see exactly why it went that way and you’re going to be okay with it.”
Steve Harvey
The Process
There is a process everyone goes through to achieve their dreams. It’s the juxtaposition of beauty and a madhouse, but you know it’s necessary- AND you’ll get through it.
I want to personally tell you I am proud of you. It’s not easy to take the narrow path. I know much resistance has come your way and you’ve felt like giving up. I want you to trust me, no matter how hard this thing gets-keep going.
No matter how hard it gets, no matter what people are saying, or how much doubt tries to suffocate you, there’s something inside of you that will not let you give up. That’s because this dream you are fighting for is much bigger than you. It’s not just going to benefit you, others will reap from it. There were many nights my dream wouldn’t let me sleep and I mean it in the best way possible, but in a way it was haunting me. Not in a bad-creepy way, just in the sense that I knew I needed to do this.
You’re a dreamer, a risk-taker, you’re rare, and lastly you’re resilient. One day, the way you fought for your dream to come true will inspire someone else to do the same. I encourage you to keep going and if you haven’t heard it lately, I believe in you. Now, Go! to the dreamer keep going
xx, Em

- Les Brown Motivational video: HERE “You Have to Be Hungry.”
- Steve Harvey Motivational video: HERE “Faith is Everything.”
- My instagram HERE / @ Emileerachelle_
- Facebook page HERE / Compassion Inspires