You’ve Left Captivity, but Has Your Mind?
You’ve left captivity, but has your mind?
This is a message for those who need encouragement. A message for those who have left one bad situation just to find themselves in another. A message for those who do not see see God working for them in the midst of all the chaos surrounding them. This is a message for you.
Over the past few months, the Lord, has been speaking this idea of the “wilderness” to me. I have actually wanted to share this message for a while, but had to put trust in God that he would lead me to an appropriate time to share and I believe that is now (written in 2021).
I have been studying through the book of Exodus,
Backstory in Exodus
To provide a quick backstory, the Israelites had been in captivity in Egypt as slaves under Pharaoh. Egypt represents slavery. The promise land represents the place God has prepared for you. The wilderness is the place between captivity and the promise. I may not know who your Pharaoh was or where your Egypt took place, but I do know the promise does not change, no matter the wilderness we travel through or the trials we endure.
God had the Israelites take the longer path. He could have let them take the shorter route to the promise land, but He knew that their current character/ mindset could not handle that. He not only had to strengthen their character, but their faith and trust in him. God did this with intent, even though they complained. Think about it for a moment, the Israelites just escaped slavery, yet they go through trial after trial in the wilderness before entering the promise. They had to take the roundabout to make sure that when trouble came, they would not go back to what broke them.
When we leave slavery (comfort) we begin traveling to a destination we have never been to before. Physically, we might have left, but mentally we may still be enslaved.
God knew we would need a journey that would strengthen our character. The promise is still yours. I hear the Lord saying, “keep going.” He did not take you out of Egypt to leave you in the wilderness. You will get through this.
Quote of the Day
Do not go back to what broke you. It may be a person, situation, place, or job. Do not go back and settle. You are a child of God and through his grace there is so much more in store for you. The fight is not easy, but friends it is worth it. You are not alone, in fact
god Is Working for You
He went through the wilderness and cleared a way for you. The one that created you has plans for you. Do not let the devil deprive you of your joy. Hold onto the promise that is yours. Pray your way through. Prayer is the weapon God has given his children. Pray for a perspective that aligns with God’s. Pray that you hear God’s voice the loudest and all other noise would be silenced. Ask for strength. We do not have the full picture, so it may seem as if nothing is changing around you. But, our God is moving and making a way. How do we know this? Because our God is NOT a do nothing God.
Sometimes I feel God has taken me through a journey or wilderness. God’s word says that He will never leave or forsake you. I stand on that.
My favorite bible verse is Joshua 1:9- which talks about God being with us wherever we go 💛